Are you a man wanting to satisfy your lady love in bed but unable to do so? If yes, it is time for you to check out possible solutions like Best Male Enhancement Pills Overall, massages etc., A low bedroom-performance is not a choice for men. It decreases the morale of the man alongside reducing attractiveness. There are certain reasons for low stamina activity as listed below.
- Performance anxiety
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Low testosterone
- Stressful lifestyle
- Erectile dysfunction
Performance anxiety: A few males like any student who fears writing exams have the anxiety of performing in bed. This usually takes place due to the setting of false or unrealistic standards. Some males view sexual intercourse as an act of affection, whereas some see it as an opportunity to exude power. One simple tip to avoid performance anxiety is to understand that sex is mainly done to attain pleasure.
Smoking: It might seem silly but tobacco sticks can decrease your manliness. Smoking is not just injurious to the lungs but your sex drive as well. One medical research concluded that a smoker’s sperm count was lower when compared to a non-smoker. Also, you may have poor quality erections to the consumption of tobacco.
Alcohol: Your sexual mood will surely reach a peak after the intake of alcohol. However, it can also negatively impact your performance during intercourse. Many women have also reported finding alcoholic men unattractive in bed due to their unjust acts.
Low testosterone: The levels of male hormone start diminishing after the age of 30. Men experience reduced masculinity in bed due to the decreased T levels. This means a man may not have the required stamina to last longer with his sweetheart.
Stressful lifestyle: This is no brainer;you cannot peacefully enjoy time with your spouse if you carry the professional stress to the bedroom. Not just work-related anxiety, but any kind of stress from a certain aspect of life can negatively affect your sexual activity.
Erectile dysfunction: Your body must listen to you and your penis must get hard before a steamy session. But, if your penis ignores your orders, it means you have a medical condition called erectile dysfunction. You can contact a relevant certified professional to confirm and cure the condition.
Bottom line
From the above, it is evident that a man can poorly perform in bed due to performance anxiety, smoking, alcohol, low testosterone, stressful lifestyle and erectile dysfunction. Whatever the cause may be, it is essential for a male to contact an efficient sexologist to regain the powerful performance